Project : Musik!
A downloadable game for Android
Hey ! I'm glad that you will read my words, let me tell you something...
This is supposed to be a protoype that I made as my first step on the fields of rhythm games, and also my practice of learning C# coding.
So far (by the end of Apr.2022), I finished the base of the game (Code, UI and stuff...) , including 1 songs with 2 levels and 1 songs with only 1 level, and also with a level "editor" in the engine which allows you to add notes to the chart by taping on the keybord while listening to the music.
But unfortunately, I'm no more motivated on the project, not only because of the difficulty of reorganizing the codes and stuff, but with the additional things that I have to learn in order to finish the whole game is also seriously exceeded my prediction.
Therefore, the project is now abandoned, maybe I'll pick it up oneday, but who knows? xd
In case you're wondering about the source code, I'll put them here : https://github.com/MitoYaen/Project-Musik
P.S :
Why is it an android-only game?
Cuz I have to buy myself a MACBOOK if I want to make it to IOS
Install instructions
Use your SANGUNG, XIAMI, GOOGE or whatever an android device to play this game.
And you have to tap on the app to open it. : )